Kalau sebelum nya hanya menggunakan 1 buah LED saja, sekarang ada penambahan 1 LED lagi agar mirip dengan flasher polisi aslinya yang menggunakan lampu di sisi kanan dan kiri kendaraan patroli nya. the current supply can be seen in the datasheet, which is about 10-15mA. Rangkaian flasher polisi ini sangat mirip dengan rangkaian LED berkedip yang sudah kita pelajari pada artikel belajar arduino sebelum nya. Rangkaian sirine dan lampu isyarat mobil polisi pada prinsipnya menggunakan rangkaian elektronika yang di hubungkan langsung dengan arus direct current (DC).7 Pada saat saklar di tekan, maka sirine akan mengeluarkan suara. Usually will work optimally if given a 5-15V.
vcc, pin it to receive a DC voltage supply. Switching transistor serves to clamp the corresponding node to ground on the timing of certain discharge, this pin is connected to an open collector transistor Q1 is connected to ground emitternya. threshold, this pin is connected to the positive input (comparator A) which will reset the RS flip-flop when the voltage on the capacitor from exceeding 2 / 3 Vc. This pin can be left hanging, but to ensure the stability of the reference comparator A, usually associated with a capacitor of about 10nF to berorde pin groun control voltage, this pin serves to regulate the stability of the reference voltage negative input (comparator A). Normally this pin is connected directly to Vcc to prevent reset This pin is connected to a PNP-type transistor gate, so the transistor will be active if given a logic low. reset, the pin that serves to reset the latch inside the IC to be influential to reset the IC work. trigger, negative input from the lower comparators (comparator B) that maintain oscillation capacitor voltage in the lowest 1 / 3 Vcc and set RS flip-flop. Ground, is the input pin of the source of the negative DC voltage.